Category II –
Direct Effects |
Actual Situation |
of Classification |
Classification |
Notes |
Maximum and Mean
Chlorophyll-a Concentration |
5 µg/l
7.1 µg/l
(percentile 90) |
(228 data points) |
Background Value |
Elevated Value |
- |
- |
Look for complementary
information in Additional Information table. |
µg/l |
µg/l |
Specific phytoplankton indicator species |
Diatoms are the most important
phytoplankton group with indicators species such as
Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira excentrica,
Pleurosigma angulatum, Odontella mobiliensis
and Chaetocerus subtilis.[1][6] |
- |
shifts were observed in phytoplankton indicator
species until 2000
[6] |
including macroalgae (region specific) |
Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) occurs in the
Sado, essenciatially around the Tróia peninsula
(seawater zone).
- |
Category I
Degree of Nutrient
Enrichment |
Category II
Direct Effects |
Category III and IV
Indirect Effects/Other
possible effects |
Classification |
Appraisal of all
relevant information |
Final Classification |
- |
- |
- |
Problem Area |
Modelling confirms that the Sado is a
non problem area, because it is a well-mixed estuary
with a high dilution potential and a moderate
flushing potential. Production is nutrient limited.
Consult Additional
Information and Discussion tables. |
Problem Area |
Sado estuary is a well-mixed estuary with
interannual high mixing and a moderate flushing
potential, behaving at low flows almost like a
coastal lagoon. Nutrient inputs to the estuary are
low, with a tendency to be lower in the future.
Sado estuary, the primary production is limited by
nutrients and by the interaction between the
phytoplankton and zooplankton. The residence time of
the water, inside each part of the estuary, is of
the order of one week, resulting into strong mixing
between zones of the estuary, with deposition and
mineralization of the particulate organic matter in
the shallow intertidal areas [4].
increase of percentage of treated wastewater in the
estuarine area, mainly in Setúbal, will decrease
nutrient inputs from these sources, since no
significant population and industrial development is
expected. Consequently, due to decreased future
nutrient pressures, an improvement in eutrophic
conditions and nutrient related symptoms in the Sado
estuary is expected. [3] |
and Salinity Distribution |
Figure 1
represents the evolution of winter
DIN Concentration measure in the Sado estuary in
different years.
Table 1
shows the number of data points considered to
calculate de average concentration for each year.
The low frequency number establishes the relative
soundness of this analysis and must be the main
reason for interannual variability. The tendency of
the moving average suggests an increase of DIN
concentration during 1982, 83 and 84 but, in fact,
in these years the number of data points is low. The
average value of the gathered data is 24.3 µmol N/L
which, according to
Table2, is below the elevated value considered for
this estuary. |
Year |
DIN Concentration
[µmol N/L] |
Number of Data
Points |
1978 |
26.0 |
26 |
1979 |
15.3 |
70 |
1980 |
9.9 |
30 |
1981 |
12.0 |
20 |
1982 |
40.8 |
3 |
1983 |
37.0 |
19 |
1984 |
58.7 |
13 |
1991 |
2.3 |
8 |
1997 |
6.9 |
7 |
1999 |
4.6 |
1 |
2000 |
3.8 |
5 |
Actual Situation
(average) |
24.3 |
206 |
Percentile 90 |
52.2 |
206 |
Background Concentration |
Assumed as an average of the
oldest registers (1978 and 1979) |
21 µmol N/ L |
Elevated Values |
50 % above the background
concentration |
32 µmol
N/ L |
Similarly to the other estuaries, the value
representing percentile 90 concentrations, resulting
from the statistical analysis, is above the elevated
value which can be justified by the MOHID results.
represents the areas where DIN concentration values
are above the elevated. As expected, these areas are
found in Sado river channel (Alcácer Channel),
pointing it as the main source of nutrients. Since
primary production is nutrient limited,
phytoplankton concentrations are higher in this
channel. Due to consumption and especially to
intense mixture with poor ocean waters, DIN
concentration decreases strongly downstream.
It is important to note that most estuary is
characterized by DIN concentrations below the
background value, 21
µmol N/L (Figure 2).
Figure 3
shows the small area were model results are between
the background and elevated values.
next plot (Figure5) shows the DIN vs. salinity
curve. In the Sado estuary the linear relation
between the DIN and Salinity values are not so
clearly as in the Tagus estuary. For the high
salinity ranges it’s possible to observe a wide
range of DIN concentrations that are probably
associated with local anthropogenic inputs. These
DIN inputs have cessed gradually with the
implementation of treatment facilities, so this plot
shows an historic situation that presently doesn’t
occur. From figure analysis it is also possible to
conclude some irregularity distribution in samples,
since most part of the points are localized in areas
with salinity above 34 psu. |
Figure5 |
Chlorophyll_a Distribution |
Figure 6
shows a time series of Chlorophyll-a Concentration.
The time doesn’t show any explicit tendency for
Chlorophyll-a evolution. Table 3 shows the number of
data points used in the annual average calculation,
showing that the number of samples is always below
30. This fact, together with the natural
variability, explains the essence of trend.
Comparisons of these values with the model results
show that they are representative of the average
concentrations in the estuary.
The average value for actual
situation (5 µg/L) is less then the background
value, which means that there are no indications of
eutrophication. In fact, according to
Table 4,
90% of the data field register are below the
elevated value. |
Year |
[µg/L] |
Number of Data Points |
1989 |
5.9 |
21 |
1990 |
9.8 |
39 |
1997 |
6.1 |
22 |
1999 |
6.9 |
12 |
2000 |
3.2 |
5 |
Actual Situation
(average) |
5 |
228 |
Percentile 90 |
7.1 |
228 |
Background Concentration |
Considered as an average value
of the oldest registers (1989) |
6 µg N/ L |
Elevated Values |
50 % above the background
concentration |
9 µg N/ L |
The next collection of
figures represents the spatial distribution of
Chlorophyll-a according to MOHID model.
The highest values of
Chlorophyll-a concentration are found in the
upstream zone, Alcácer Channel (Figure 31),
where nutrient availability is higher. Downstream,
next to the boundary, the concentrations are below
the background concentration, essentially as a
consequence of nutrients limitation. Areas where
Chlorophyll-a is between background and elevated
value are localized in central zone of the estuary,
Figure 30.
Like in Tejo and Mondego estuaries, the model
results for Sado indicate a wide range of
Chlorophyll-a values (between 2 and 17 µg/L).

Figure5  |
Oxygen Distribution |
Figure 6 represents annual average of oxygen spatial
distribution, in the Sado estuary as a result of
MOHID model simulation.
concentrations in the interior of the estuary are
always superior to the threshold value for deficient
in oxygen (6 mg/L), which means that in terms of
oxygen the Sado estuary do not show any symptom of
eutrophication. |
Figure6 |
as 1980, 1981 and 1982 averages (the oldest years with
available data)
as 50% above the background concentration |