The rationale for evaluating the processes of estuarine waters in Portugal and their response to modifications of nutrient loads was designed having in mind the “Criteria for the Definition of Eutrophication in Marine/Coastal Waters”, proposed in the study carried out by ERM in 2000 on behalf of the European Commission. That study is divided into three main parts: (i) the scientific context of eutrophication, (ii) a tentative to review, assess and compare criteria used in some EU Member States and (iii) some suggestions of complementary criteria to define eutrophication in coastal areas. In the scientific context part, some relevant statements can be used for demonstrate the benefit of assessing this problem also using models:
In the conclusion of the scientific context, it is stated that:
The considerations above are common to most systems. Identification and quantification of eutrophication rate in tidal systems is even more difficult due to the oscillating character of tidal flow. Models can be very useful tools in these systems. Models aim to describe processes quantitatively and consequently they have the capability of putting into evidence the interaction between state variables in complex systems, as is the case of tidal estuaries. In tidal estuaries, alternating flow enhances vertical and horizontal mixing and improves the interaction between nutrient load sources. Non-linear effects associated to the tidal flow can generate quite complex residual flows, which will be responsible for a wide range of residence times in the estuary. Residence time and mixing inside the estuary are major processes determining the fate of nutrients discharged in the estuary. Circulation models are nowadays accept as powerful and economic tools to compute physical processes and are disseminate among coastal engineers and coastal system managers both for coastal works design and for management of navigation infrastructures. Validation of tidal circulation models is simple and economic since it can be based on historical data, which is available in major estuaries especially if commercial navigation is a relevant economic activity. In Portugal, this is the case in the main estuaries. Processes describing primary production and nutrient recycling are nowadays sufficiently well known to build models based on a set of parameters short enough to be manageable, but large enough to be common to many coastal systems. Coupling primary production models to physical models describing tidal transport allows for the development of sophisticated modelling tools to support coastal areas management. In this study, models are used to describe circulation and residence times of the water inside the estuary and to simulate primary production, nutrient recycling and estuary-sea exchanges. A detailed description of the model is provided here. |